spreading art and philanthropy
june 2020
“Solve for X”
A Poem by Carol Alexander
A dissected lemon starred with currants
lolls between lovers
when miners split the earth for gold
by algorithm say the 8-day lapse between fever…more
“Unicorns in hyde park”
A prose poem by Emilie Lauren Jones
First, they closed the theatres—actors folded their Vogue-coloured satins into cardboard cases with Amazon smiles, packed away mirrors and light bulbs. It was as if all the world became a stage. The newsreader said that everyone would have a part to play now…more
three poems
by paul bergstraesser
I wish for nothing
other than this laziness:
my brain slouches against
the inside of my forehead,
the gray skies won’t decide
on black or white…more
fiction by Ciera Horton McElroy
You know how the moon is red sometimes? How it’s like a bloody thumbprint in the sky? My father says that’s a sign of End Times. He is very smart, my father. He has a whole basement full of books which I am not allowed to touch, but sometimes I do…more
MAy 2020
“menstruation Isolation”
a “New normal” essay by christina canalita
This isn’t a relief period, not an inconvenience, surprise, or stress period. No—this is a quarantine period. Forget the sweatpants, unwashed hair, and bare face period; this is a strictly no leak-checking, seat-checking, awkwardly-feel-myself-up-checking zone…more
three poems
by ryan skaryd
because a year ago a boy was folding pants
that he wore to a funeral a week before
forgetting the card from the service
in the back pocket and Miranda’s face
tries to stare back as hard as she can
even if to say there are better pictures anyway…more
“Push the button”
fiction by rebecca chekouras
What if Death loves us? Of all the thoughts that raced through my mind during the last wildfire, that one stopped me cold. Still, I evacuated. Came back. Returned to a place of fire and earthquake, of flood and nightly news…more