Spreading art and philanthropy
COVID-19 has really sucked. Hundreds of thousands of deaths. Teetering economies. Rising unemployment. Social-distancing and self-quarantining.
Whether we want to admit it or not, some of us are in various positions of privilege, as so many are losing their jobs, healthcare, and even their lives. As global citizens, we need to exercise empathy for those who don’t have the same advantages that many of us have: a roof, a job, a stocked refrigerator, internet, healthcare, etc. And these advantages stretch beyond the bounds of COVID-19. Many of us are part of vulnerable communities that deal with issues that outsiders may never fully comprehend.
What better way to teach empathy than through art and literature? But beyond that: how can we, as writers and artists, use our work to actually make a difference to those outside of a limited readership?
The call for creators to create, while important, is not enough. While we can effectively give people temporary escape and provide necessary perspective through our art, that doesn’t necessarily meet the needs of everybody across the world.
COVID LIT is a new online lit mag that gives the middle finger to the world’s ills by publishing, promoting, and spreading art, poetry, and prose. We, like any great publication, want to publish work that moves, matters, and says what no one has said before. What sets us apart, however, is our mission:
We want to use our powers for good, so we’ve made writing philanthropic.
We want to help those who, during this time of great tribulation and uncertainty, need support. To accomplish this, we will do the following:
In order to submit, writers are REQUIRED to donate at least $3 to a nonprofit of their choice. Currently, writers are asked to donate to local, state, federal, and international organizations working toward either combating COVID-19 or helping those directly impacted by the disease, including those unable to purchase groceries and need meals, those who have lost their jobs and are struggling to pay their bills, students without access to technology as classes shift online, and, of course, anybody who has been in direct or indirect contact with the virus. You may donate as much as you’d like, but we require a $3 minimum donation (similar to most submission fees). While writers may choose any organization they please, browse our ORGANIZATIONS WE DIG page to check out some of the nonprofits we’re supporting.
We hope to receive many submissions and publish enough quality work so that we can publish annual print anthologies. We are in the process of seeking quotes from small publishers (if you are affiliated with a small publisher and are interested in this project, email editor@covidlit.org) in order to build the most beautiful book possible while spending the least amount of money. All of the proceeds for the book will be distributed in the same way as the donations.
We want great contemporary art and literature to be accessible to the everyday reader. Much of the “lit mag world” exists in a bubble where only writers and academics are granted “entry.” We will work hard to get readers existing outside of academia to keep up with the best emerging and established writers of today. Millions of people read, but only a fraction of them know that there are hundreds of incredible small publications featuring the work of so many insanely talented writers. Our goal is to work tirelessly at building that bridge.
If you’re interested in learning more, check out our FAQs.
If you have any questions or comments, please email us at editor@covidlit.org.